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Tornado Headgear - F5

Tornado Headgear

Discover the ultimate wrestling ear guard in our comprehensive review of the Tornado Headgear – F5. Explore its unique features, including the patented "Air Vent System" and "Power Tab On-The-Fly" strapping system, that offer unrivaled comfort and protection. Learn how it stands out in the market, and why its blend of functionality, durability, and style make it a must-have for any wrestling enthusiast. Find out how proper care can prolong its lifespan, and why investing in the Tornado Headgear – F5 could elevate your wrestling performance to new heights.
BrandCliff Keen
ModelF5 Tornado
SizeOne size
  • Revolutionary design based on NASA research​
  • Strong yet lightweight components for durability and comfort​
  • 43% lighter than most traditional headgear​
Closure System

 Incorporates PowerTab strapping system for a better, faster fit​

Cushioning Type
  • Padding around the ears​
  • Not specified whether gel or foam padding
Inner LiningNot specified

Design promotes cooler experience compared to other headgears

Colour OptionsBlack/Black/White
PriceSee here
WarrantyReturn policy
User Rating4.5/5
Special Features
  • Superior audible sound technology to improve communication during matches​
  • Customizable colour options through the official Cliff Keen website​

In the fiercely competitive world of wrestling, a split-second decision can mark the difference between victory and defeat. More than just strength, technique, and speed, a wrestler’s gear plays a vital role in performance and protection. In this fast-paced sport, head and ear injuries are common. Therefore, the need for reliable protection, such as wrestling ear guards, cannot be overstated. This is where Tornado Headgear – F5 steps into the ring.

Crafted to provide optimal protection and comfort, the Tornado Headgear – F5 is a sought-after product by wrestlers worldwide. As a piece of equipment integral to a wrestler’s kit, an ear guard serves as the first line of defense against conditions such as cauliflower ear, a condition quite prevalent in the wrestling world. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or an aspiring wrestler, the quality and performance of your gear, particularly your ear guard, can significantly influence your wrestling experience.

In this comprehensive review, we will delve deep into the Tornado Headgear – F5, one of the premium products in the wrestling ear guard market. From its innovative design and top-notch materials to its standout features that differentiate it from others in the market, we’ll leave no stone unturned.

Stay tuned as we embark on this journey, exploring everything you need to know about this game-changing product. By the end of this review, you’ll gain a thorough understanding of why the Tornado Headgear – F5 stands tall among its competitors, and why it may just be the key to elevating your wrestling game.

Product Overview

There’s a reason why the Tornado Headgear – F5 has carved out its place in the competitive landscape of wrestling ear guards. It’s a product designed with a keen focus on both form and function, offering wrestlers an amalgamation of comfort, durability, and superior protection.

Design and Materials

Let’s start with its design. A product of Cliff Keen Athletics, the Tornado Headgear – F5 sports an innovative design that breaks the conventional mold. Unlike traditional wrestling ear guards, this product showcases a sleek and contemporary look that combines aesthetics with function.

Crafted using resilient materials, this ear guard promises to stand up to the rigors of intense wrestling bouts. It uses a technologically advanced resin that provides flexibility and durability, without compromising on comfort. This ensures the Tornado Headgear – F5 remains intact, even in the most challenging conditions.

Key Features

What makes the Tornado Headgear – F5 truly shine are its key features. Firstly, it employs the patented “Air Vent System” technology that promotes easy hearing and optimal airflow, ensuring you stay comfortable throughout your matches or training sessions. This design feature helps to alleviate a common issue with wrestling ear guards—impaired hearing.

Next, the Tornado Headgear – F5 features a power tab on-the-fly strapping system, which allows for quick adjustments mid-match, providing an adaptive fit tailored to each individual wrestler. This translates to a less distractive wrestling experience as you can adjust your gear without compromising your focus or performance.

With the Tornado Headgear – F5, it’s clear that the creators have gone the extra mile to ensure it stands out in the market. It’s a product that not only addresses the needs of wrestlers but also goes beyond to offer enhanced features that can potentially elevate one’s wrestling experience. In the next sections, we will further explore the specific benefits of using this innovative product, and how its key features contribute to its overall performance and functionality.

Benefits of Using the Product

The Tornado Headgear – F5 is more than just a wrestling ear guard—it’s a strategic addition to any wrestler’s gear, designed to elevate performance and ensure protection in the heat of the battle. Here’s why:

Protection Against Common Injuries

Wrestling is a sport that comes with a risk of certain injuries, most notable of which is cauliflower ear. This condition results from repeated trauma to the ear, leading to a buildup of fluid and blood clots. The Tornado Headgear – F5 offers top-notch protection against such potential harm. Its solid construction and snug fit make it a reliable guard against the perils of wrestling, effectively reducing the risk of cauliflower ear.

Comfort and Flexibility

Comfort can play a pivotal role in a wrestler’s performance. An uncomfortable ear guard can prove distracting, affecting focus and, in turn, performance. The Tornado Headgear – F5, with its “Air Vent System” and on-the-fly strapping system, provides unmatched comfort. It sits snugly, yet lightly, allowing wrestlers to focus on their matches without worrying about their gear. Its design also ensures flexibility, adapting to individual needs with quick and easy adjustments.

Additional Benefits

In addition to its top-tier protection and comfort, the Tornado Headgear – F5 provides other notable advantages. Its sleek design and aesthetic appeal make it a preferred choice for those who wish to make a style statement along with showcasing athletic prowess. Moreover, its material and construction make it a durable choice, ensuring long-lasting performance.

The Tornado Headgear – F5 is not just an ear guard—it’s a tool designed to elevate your wrestling performance by mitigating distractions and offering unwavering protection. Its blend of protection, comfort, and additional benefits make it a worthy addition to any wrestling kit. As we progress through this review, we’ll explore the specific features that make the Tornado Headgear – F5 such a remarkable product.

Key Features and Specifications

The Tornado Headgear – F5 stands out with a number of groundbreaking features and specifications that set a new standard in the wrestling gear market. Let’s take a closer look at these.

Size Options and Adjustability

The Tornado Headgear – F5 comes in both adult and youth sizes, ensuring wrestlers of all ages can benefit from its features. But what truly sets it apart is its “Power Tab On-The-Fly” strapping system. This allows for quick adjustments, enabling a customized fit for each individual wrestler. This adaptability means less distraction and more focus on the mat.

Advanced Air Vent System

Innovation takes center stage with the Tornado Headgear – F5’s patented “Air Vent System”. This technology ensures optimal airflow, reducing heat and improving comfort. Not only does it keep the wearer cool, but it also improves hearing—an often overlooked, yet critical aspect in wrestling.

Resilient Material

The Tornado Headgear – F5 is crafted using advanced resin, a durable material designed to withstand the rigors of wrestling. This durability, coupled with the ear guard’s flexibility, ensures the product’s longevity and consistent performance.

Aesthetic Appeal

Though functionality is key in wrestling gear, the Tornado Headgear – F5 doesn’t neglect aesthetics. Its sleek and contemporary design stands out, making it a stylish addition to any wrestling kit.

These features contribute to the Tornado Headgear – F5’s exceptional performance and functionality. Not only does this product protect against common injuries and ensure comfort, but it also offers features that elevate the overall wrestling experience. In the next section, we’ll see how the Tornado Headgear – F5 measures up against other products in the market.

Comparison with Competing Products

When selecting the ideal wrestling ear guard, it’s essential to understand how different products measure up against each other. In this section, we will compare the Tornado Headgear – F5 with other prominent products in the market.

Price, Quality, and Features

While the Tornado Headgear – F5 might be on the higher end of the price spectrum compared to products like the Matman Ultra Soft Wrestling Headgear or the Asics Unrestrained, its exceptional quality and advanced features offer excellent value for money. The patented “Air Vent System”, “Power Tab On-The-Fly” strapping system, and the use of resilient materials set the Tornado Headgear – F5 apart.

The Cliff Keen Fusion Headgear is another quality product but lacks the “Air Vent System” found in the Tornado Headgear – F5. This feature gives the Tornado Headgear a distinct advantage in terms of comfort and hearing during matches.

Advantages and Unique Aspects

The Tornado Headgear – F5’s sleek design and aesthetic appeal are unique in a market where many products often focus solely on function over form. This product provides an opportunity for wrestlers to make a statement both in terms of their performance and their style.

In comparison with other ear guards, the Tornado Headgear – F5 demonstrates a successful balance of protection, comfort, durability, and style. Its innovative design features make it stand out, ensuring it continues to be a popular choice among wrestling enthusiasts. In the next section, we will provide guidelines on how to maintain the Tornado Headgear – F5 to ensure it offers peak performance for years to come.

Care and Maintenance Instructions

The Tornado Headgear – F5 is designed for durability, but taking proper care of your wrestling ear guard can significantly enhance its lifespan and ensure optimal performance. Here are some guidelines:


Regular cleaning is essential to keep your Tornado Headgear – F5 in top condition. Gently clean it with a mild detergent and warm water after each use to remove any sweat or dirt. Avoid harsh cleaning agents, as they can deteriorate the material over time.


After washing, let the ear guard air dry. Avoid using a heat source like a radiator or hairdryer, as excessive heat can warp the resin material. The Tornado Headgear – F5’s “Air Vent System” promotes quick drying, making the process easier.


Store your Tornado Headgear – F5 in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Extended exposure to sunlight can lead to color fading and material degradation.

Regular Check-up

Regularly inspect your Tornado Headgear – F5 for any signs of wear and tear. Pay particular attention to the straps and padding. If any part appears worn out or damaged, it might be time for a replacement.

By adhering to these care and maintenance instructions, you can ensure that your Tornado Headgear – F5 stays in top shape for longer, delivering reliable performance match after match. In the concluding section, we will sum up why this wrestling ear guard stands out in a crowded marketplace.


The world of wrestling headgear can often seem overwhelming with the multitude of choices available. However, the Tornado Headgear – F5 stands out with its distinctive features, providing exceptional protection, comfort, and a bevy of unique advantages to enhance your wrestling experience.

Its patented “Air Vent System” and “Power Tab On-The-Fly” strapping system are innovative additions that tackle common issues in wrestling gear, improving comfort, flexibility, and overall performance. Moreover, the use of advanced, resilient materials in its construction ensures the Tornado Headgear – F5 is built to last, providing excellent value for money.

When compared with other products on the market, the Tornado Headgear – F5 shows its superiority through its balanced combination of functionality, durability, and aesthetic appeal. Its sleek, modern design allows wrestlers to showcase their style alongside their skills.

Proper care and maintenance can enhance the lifespan of this product, ensuring it remains a reliable piece of your wrestling kit for many bouts to come.

Whether you’re a seasoned wrestler or just starting out in the sport, the Tornado Headgear – F5 proves to be a worthy investment. Its ability to enhance your wrestling experience, ensuring optimal protection and comfort, makes it a standout product in its category.

Are you ready to take your wrestling gear to the next level? Make the smart choice and invest in the Tornado Headgear – F5 today. Elevate your performance and wrestle with confidence.

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At The Fight Store, our love for martial arts and combat sports isn’t just a passion—it’s a way of life. As fellow athletes, we’ve experienced first hand the difference the right gear can make, and we’re committed to helping you find the best equipment tailored to your discipline.

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